You might have heard of the term Un-Advertising.
Un- Advertising is another term for Public Relations.
A large part of Un-Advertising is social events which help someone in the community.
In fact an extremely large part in the success of any business is to give back to the community with things and actions that have nothing to do with the business they are in.
Do you know that the famous Harvard University will not admit a student into their MBA program whom does not already have community participation as a natural inclination, which must be proven by the fact that he ALREADY has participated in such community activities before having been taught this by the university first?
Social events are a super sharp two-sided sword of business.
Nothing creates trust towards a person or company better than if that person or business is actively participating in community activities.
Nothing will make your advertising dollar go further than if you are first being trusted as a humane individual.
Please, never ever, just do some ‘stuff’ for the community to get business, without regards for actually being of some service.
And please realize that donating money, even though sometimes needed, is not the same by a long shot as true participation.
The community will see through it and it will not work, maybe even backfire.
California – 24 kids from Diakonia Group Homes were awarded two computers and 2-year Internet connection from our clients for winning the Do A Good Deed Contest.
California – Mike Boguslawski from CBS Channel 2 news introduces the computer prize giveaway by the local doctors in Los Angeles.
This live telecast news is watched by the entire Southern California.
Boston – Doctor and staff collected food for needy families in his community.
New York – Toys were collected for needy kids in celebration of Christmas.
Kids come by the bus load over and over again to attend the “How to Study and Be Happy” seminar organized by our organization.
Mrs Desai, the Principal with her very happy students at the end of a “How to Study” Seminar
Mr. Flasch was invited on stage to give a lecture to 2000 students on how to say no to drugs.
Mr Flasch spoke on how to stay drug-free. On stage with him were three famous movie stars in India who supported this message as well.