Try to have as clean as possible air to breathe at all times
Try to have as clean as possible air to breathe at all times (which excludes smoking). Did you know that the air in your house is probably worse than the air outside even if you live in Los Angeles or New York? So do everything to get clean air at home – after all, most people spend about 12 – 15 hours a day in it. Especially when you sleep and when that body rejuvenates itself, it needs clean fresh air. You will be amazed how allergies go away and energy comes back. Do you remember how you felt when you breathe in fresh air after a big thunderstorm? Yes, that is also negatively ionized air. This air can be duplicated in your house and doing so might solve innumerable bodily discomforts all by itself.
Did you know that today’s air contains much much lesser oxygen it used to contain 50 years ago? Now, do you wonder why you feel like suffocating and lifeless most of the time and why certain body parts are giving you even more problems? (Learn more about the air you want – section coming soon).