Disclaimer about our health articles

Disclaimer about our health articles

Never use our advice as the only or ultimate solution – sometimes it might well be necessary to add more different supplements than what I tell you here. Never think that anything on this website was intended as a diagnosis for your medical condition – always consult with a medical doctor – show your doctor our advice – but if you get stubborn rejections about alternative health from your doctor then for your health’s and your longevity’s sake get yourself a doctor who knows about the fantastic powers of those diverse supplements which in one corner or another around this world are keeping people healthy and happy for long, long time!

The author of this article s not a doctor of any kind but tells you what he does to keep healthy.

In case you are perusing any of the recommendation above you are self-prescribing, which is your constitutional right. As however mentioned above, there are many knowledgeable medical doctors that can guide you in the direction of drug free health. Better health.