Good enough never is!

Good enough never is!

Do Not Trade Time for Money, Un-Work Strategy
“Good enough never is.” – DEBBI FIELDS I myself have realized that whenever I say I did all I could, I never did. I have realized this so thoroughly that every time I say it, or am about to say it, I know I need to do much more and proceed to do so! Guess what? Every single time I told myself I could do more, I came closer to achieving my goals! It feels good after you have put more effort, used all your imagination on how you could, even if ever so slightly, do more and then do so. It feels good! Helmut Flasch CEO, Flasch International Un-Work & Un-Advertising PS. I suggest that you have a look at how to do other things, totally different than what…
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What’s needed to solve your own problems?

What’s needed to solve your own problems?

Blog, Un-Work Strategy
“There is a marvelous story of a man who once stood before God, his heart breaking from the pain and injustice in the world. ‘Dear God,’ he cried out, ‘look at all the suffering, the anguish and distress in the world. Why don’t you send help?’ God responded, ‘I did send help. I sent you.’”  – RABBI DAVID J. WOLPE   A standard answer in my company to all employees (even myself) about all complaints, any complaints about any matter from anyone (and there were a lot of them some years ago) is: “You are right about the problem. Glad you are here. How will you go about helping us to fix it?”  I don’t have employees anymore. I have problem-solvers who first work, then go onto leading and managing. Of course, I…
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There are no secrets to success.

There are no secrets to success.

Blog, Un-Work Strategy
“There are no secrets to success: Don’t waste time looking for them. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those for whom you work, and persistence.” – COLIN POWELL Persistence is a key element missing in business people. It’s not that they are not persistent in some areas of their profession or of life in general. They DEFINITELY are, especially when it comes to being persistent in doing things the hard way! Too often, business people tell me, "I have tried this or that marketing program for two, three, six or eight months. It did not work, so I dropped it." One or all of the following is usually happening: It was not done long enough and was given up just before results were…
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