“How many on their deathbeds wished they’d spent more time at the office – or watching TV? The answer is, no one.”

“How many on their deathbeds wished they’d spent more time at the office – or watching TV? The answer is, no one.”

Do Not Trade Time for Money, Un-Work Strategy
Stephen Covey, author of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” said, "How many on their deathbeds wished they'd spent more time at the office - or watching TV? The answer is, no one."   Many business owners spend lots of time to run the day to day function of the business, put out fires, manage staff, handle customers, etc.  But they often fail to plan for what is important. They do NOT work on looking for ways where they can "stop trading their time for money", and thus free up time and money to care for health, family, personal goals, etc.   Having worked with doctors for close to 30 years, they are some of the most hardworking & yet also some of the most underpaid people we have known.  They have…
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“Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.”

“Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.”

Do Not Trade Time for Money, Increase Take Home Income, Un-Work Strategy
“Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.”  - E. Joseph Cossman  It is easy to concentrate on problems and forget to see the thing you wanted in the first place.   Concentrating only on the mechanical steps of doing one's job is just another way to forget all about one’s goals.   Make it a daily habit (especially when you have problems) to force yourself to look at your goals.  DON’T, however, make your goal ‘getting out of this mess’ or in some other way lessen your goal because of the magnitude of your problems.  Look at your original goals only. In fact, whenever you think you can’t make it, make the goal bigger, not smaller. Try it – it works!  Helmut Flasch CEO, Flasch International www.Un-Work.com  PS. Let me shine…
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“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

Increase Take Home Income, Un-Work Strategy
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”  - Derek Bok  (Former President of Harvard University)  Let’s make sure we expand that to all areas of life.   We must not only concentrate on the technical aspect of our profession, but also see our overall success and happiness.   Without “learning” how to keep focus, how to communicate with people about any matters, your chance of never realizing your full potential is huge.   Just look around. You will see a person who may be a specialist in one area but yet is still a failure in life. Why?   Simply ignorance of getting an education in ALL matters of life! Synergy, my friend, synergy!  Helmut Flasch CEO, Flasch International www.Un-Work.com  PS. Currently, there is one area in business where getting an education is worth mentioning.  And by the…
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What is it that holds us back from doing what we should do and what we have to do in business?

What is it that holds us back from doing what we should do and what we have to do in business?

Increase Take Home Income, Un-Work Strategy
It’s simply one’s failure to convert “Idle Wishing” to “Honest Needing” – Unknown Personally, I would take this idle wishing to honest needing up one more notch and say from ‘idle wishing’ to ‘demanding for things getting better.’  If you look at it – there is quite a big difference between knowing you need to and actually acting on it. Wishing that things get better is what all the 95% of people who will retire on social security at age 78 or 83 are doing.  Maybe, only maybe, a few who know they “need to do something” will actually do something.  However, the ones who demand that things get better, the ones who say enough is enough, the ones who realize that no matter what he risks in engaging in a…
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